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20 May 2024 - Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Masjid Negeri Sarawak (LAKMNS) today paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency the Governor of Sarawak Tun Pehin Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar and Her Excellency Toh Puan Fauziah Mohamad Sanusi at the Sarawak State Astana. The visit, led by the Chief Executive Officer of LAKMNS, YBhg. Datuk Haji Abang Abdul Wahap bin Haji Abang Julai, was primarily to share the latest developments regarding LAKMNS. Also in attendance were the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Encik Mohamad Feisal bin Said, and other senior officials of LAKMNS.


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On April 30, 2024, a brief ceremony was held at the LAKMNS Gallery in Baitul Makmur II to distribute Syawal 2024 coupons to 24 representatives from Ministries, Departments, and Agencies in Baitul Makmur I and II. The symbolic handover of the coupons was officiated by YBhg. Datuk Haji Abang Abdul Wahap bin Haji Abang Julai, the Chief Executive Officer of LAKMNS. Also present at the ceremony were senior officers and heads of divisions of LAKMNS.


Earlier, in his speech, YBhg. Datuk Abang Haji Abdul Wahap stated that the Syawal 2024 coupons are a token of appreciation to approximately 2,000 staff members in Baitul Makmur I & II in conjunction with this year's Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations. In the previous year, LAKMNS organized a meet-and-greet event for the staff of Baitul Makmur I & II, and this year, staff members will receive meal coupons that can be used at the Baitul Makmur II Food Court, valid until May 9, 2024 (30 Syawal).

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On April 25, 2024, the Premier Forum on Islamic Affairs was held at the Sarawak State Jamek Mosque. The forum, titled "Standing Tall Together, Sitting Low Together," was held in conjunction with the 60th Conference of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia (MKI) Islamic Education Coordination Committee (JPPIK).


Also in attendance were His Excellency the Governor of Sarawak, Tun Pehin Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar and Her Excellency Toh Puan Fauziah binti Mohd Sanusi, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Islamic Affairs) YB Senator Dr. Zulkifli bin Hasan, Director General of JAKIM YBhg. Datin Paduka Hajah Hakimah binti Mohd Yusoff, President of the Sarawak Islamic Council YBhg. Datuk Haji Misnu bin Haji Taha, and several other dignitaries.

The panelists at this forum included the Chairman of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia (MKI) Islamic Education Coordination Committee (JPPIK) YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Haji Alimuddin Haji Mohd Dom, Sarawak Mufti Sahibus Samahah Datu Haji Kipli bin Haji Yassin, and Deputy Dean of Industrial and Community Network Affairs, Faculty of Islamic Studies, UKM YBhg. Assoc. Prof. Dato' Dr. Haji Mohd Izhar Ariff bin Mohd Kashim, while the Senior Assistant Director of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), YBrs. Ustaz Mohd Hariri bin Mohamad Daud, served as the moderator.

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On March 3, 2024, Gotong-royong Program took place at the Raudhatul Sakinah Cemetery in Kuching (formerly known as the Samariang Cemetery). The program was attended by local communities and staff from Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Masjid Negeri Sarawak (LAKMNS). Also present were the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of LAKMNS, Mr. Mohamad Feisal bin Said, the Chief Officer of the Mosque Management Department of LAKMNS, Mr. Abang Bikusary bin Hj Kadir, as well as senior officers of LAKMNS.


This program is an annual event organized by LAKMNS in preparation for the upcoming month of Ramadan. A similar program will also be held at the City Mosque Cemetery in Kuching on March 9, 2024.

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On March 2, 2024, the Ihya' Ramadan 1445H/2024M Briefing Session took place at the Sarawak State Mosque.


The event was attended by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Masjid Negeri Sarawak (LAKMNS), Mr. Mohamad Feisal bin Said.

In his address, Mr. Mohamad Feisal shared about the programs that will be implemented throughout the month of Ramadan.

The session proceeded with a briefing on Ihya' Ramadan by the Deputy Mufti, Sarawak Mufti Department, the Honorable Ustaz Haji Muhammad Syarifuddin bin Abdul Kadir, followed by a recitation of Tahlil led by the Grand Imam of Sarawak, Sahibul Fadhilah Dato Haji Mustapha Kamal bin Haji Ahmad Fauzi.


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