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WHO AM I? 2024

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JANUARY 1, 2024 - On January 1, 2024, a Postponement Ceremony was held for the Who Am I? V4.0 which has taken place at the Sarawak State Jamek Mosque. The program organized by Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Masjid Negeri Sarawak (LAKMNS) was held in collaboration with the Jamek Petra Jaya Mosque Youth Club (MASJA-SA).


The programme, which lasted three days and two nights and was held at the Sarawak State Jamek Mosque, was attended by 39 people ranging in age from 15 to 30 years old.

The programme "WHO AM I?" aims to produce youth with the drive to succeed based on the skills, knowledge, and techniques acquired throughout the programme. Furthermore, to instill a sense of love in the youth for the mosque's activities and to foster friendly relations among Jamek Petra Jaya Mosque Youth Club (MASJA-SA) members.

Various interesting activities took place over the course of the three days of the programme, including group training (LDK), tahsin prayers, and religious talks. Qiamullail, motivational speech, among many others.

The postponement ceremony of this program was attended by YBhg. Datuk Haji Abang Abdul Wahap bin Haji Abang Julai, Chief Executive Officer, LAKMNS. Also present were Mr. Abang Bikusary bin Haji Kadir, Chief Of Mosque Management Department, Haji Mohamad Nidzam bin Haji Ahmad, Head of Sarawak State Jamek Mosque Division and Mr. Nuraiman bin Omar, Head of Kuching City Mosque Division.


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