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An Appreciation Ceremony “Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Bujang bin Mohd Nor

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Wednesday, December 01st, 2021 – An appreciation ceremony with the Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Bujang bin Mohd Nor was held at Seminar Room, Baitul Makmur II. The ceremony was to appreciate the services and devotion of the Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Bujang as Honorary Secretary and LAKMNS Board Member. He had held the position as Honorary Secretary for 18 years since his appointment in May 2003.



LAKMNS Chief Executive Officer, the Honourable Datuk Haji Abang Abdul Wahap bin Abang Julai in his welcome speeches described the Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar as a loving person, calm personality, and approachable. His caring and committed attitude throughout his time with LAKMNS is cherished memory to the management and the entire staff of LAKMNS.


There were many great services that have been contributed by the Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar. Among them are the development and refurbishment of two main mosques, namely the Sarawak State Jamek Mosque and the Kuching City Mosque, construction of Baitul Makmur 1 and Baitul Makmur 2, and the establishment of Ma’had Tahfiz Tun Abdul-Rahman Ya’kub.


Also present at the ceremony were the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Encik Mohamad Feisal bin Said, Chief Officers, and Heads of LAKMNS Divisions.



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